вторник, 15 сентября 2009 г.


Yooe,.hdn hng utsgui mi amidralin neg hesgig avaad haycn umshig sngdchlaa etr geee,.,.
Me yg odoo tnt dr garj bui comedyg uzeel gancoro bayasool suj ch bhshig =)
Zoo tdd mar bs oglo ert hicheltei blchdg bnsh,.yaj bosden bile UGHHH heh
Mar seruhen bgasai geel zalbirool bjenoo thq bol ter lekcni zaal n sauna l ingsn ug shuud taichichmar sngddiish suuj bhda geeloo~~~

Zia onoodrto neg imerho
Reclam duschlo yavj TV golorloo
C ya

понедельник, 14 сентября 2009 г.

There r so many things wrong with my personal philosophy

1) Men are dirty. Now here is a real man-hater. Truly, fellas, you don't have to worry about the dykes, who for the most part, just aren't interested in you. No. You have to worry about dames like this one, who loath you while they are having sex with you. Maybe you think that's hot--in which case, you're a dirty, dirty boy. But in the end, would I only run after that lesbian purity to help her feel clean and good again?

2) I will sleep with lesbians, who are clean, but not other dirty bis, like herself, who have tainted their bodies with male contact. According to a 1995 British survey of lesbian and bisexual women, 85 % have had sex with men at least once, most likely when they lost their virginity. 70% have had sex with men within the last 4 years, 12% have had sex with men in the last year. 24% of lesbians and 29% of bisexual women become pregnant.

But wait, there's more. Women who have sex with women are more likely to have sex with men who have sex with men. Now that's keeping it in the queer family! Trouble is, 39% will have unprotected vaginal sex and 11% will have unprotected anal sex. Because girls like you seem so likely to try and avoid the whole safer sex negotiation by seeking out only the "clean" lesbians to have sex with.

3) How a gal like you finds lesbians when you think that everyone is bisexual is beyond me. Not to mention that, finding lesbian women who will sleep with you might become a little bit harder--unless they overlook that whole "dirty bisexual" thing. And the fact that they are being used.

4) I guess that if men will no longer have sex with you because you think they're dirty, and lesbians will no longer have sex with you because they realize you are using them, and bisexuals will no longer have sex with you because you are an utter disgrace, that leaves having sex with straight women. Or yourself. Oh, but wait--straight women have sex with dirty men and so do you. I guess you won't be having sex with anyone from now on, including yourself, because you are filthy, filthy, filthy.

воскресенье, 13 сентября 2009 г.

Unshaad uz^^

Zia tdd mi anhni sedv blhleer bichih uma ch sn mdq n ee^^ Zoo yartaich suulin hd hng unen t1 blaa,. Gerin buh blj guiceh shahlaa,. Ma nzud enig unshuul UUCHLALT husemeer bn!!! 0orsdoo yddin mdjagazde,, Aan,tn ghd ochdr bi chmad hairtaig uzseem bn,. Unen niiice um bnle shoo ugasa Bold tglsem chn etr geee,..Bs ter duu n neeh goe,.,amndaa ayalaaal bmar duu blee Mar ahial hicheel..negth odr,. yoox odo zalhj ehelj bh shig bn =[

U tai ch ene doloo hng ih taagui yvdlaar duuren ongorloo

Ghd oyutni amidrl dongj ehelj bn sho de,.,

So' gutrh heregguuu

Buh um shn blno tiiimaa???